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The Early Me

A middle class family to start with, like many in India. A spark of interest on computers took over when my father brought it for the first time in 2009, a Core2Duo Intel CPU was a dream come true.Since then in a way or other I have been DIY’ing with computers in one or other way and now I work at During my 10th class, a friend [Aditya] of mine built a simple program that would fetch cricket scores and I was inspired to learn coding since then. Given my interest in Art & Craft I did want to step into that domain, but that did not last long when I stumbled upon HTML & CSS with which I could potentially be a web-artist.

Years passed, my school results weren’t great nor I was extraordinary talent in anyway, I was lucky enough to get myself into an engineering college in Udupi, Karnataka. I though my engineering journey will be great with better grades, however my habit of exploring different things distracted me from getting them, I have no one to blame but myself. Although failure rate is less, yet I don’t consider myself successful. I remained unplaced after my graduation, yet with a determination & confidence of me achieving something beyond my abilities. Somewhere inside my head I know, that i am hardworking & determined person.

Meanwhile, I was never an avid reader of books, most of my early knowledge was collected through conversations or trying & failing doing stuff. My interest in electronics come from my father who runs an electronic repair shop and with my minimum computer learning, I was soon into robotics. I and a good friend of mine [Nikhil Acharya] did explore this domain for a bit & I realised this is not what I need to do. Although my friend excelled in it, Kudos to him 🎉.

I tried my hands in pretty much Art, Coding, Robotics and others. But Coding was only thing I was confident on, even after being bad at it. Since then, till second year of job, I have given everything into it. Something I am proud about.

A close group of my friends did recognise my passion for what I do & referred me for a job in Navjoy Inc as Software Developer. I am always grateful for them [Pratheek Hegde & Sricharan Bhat]. This was a chance to prove that dedication & hardworking does pay off in someway.

Journey in Navjoy was a lot of learning in every way.